Long ago I actually worked with natural media until my body decided it didn't like how it made me feel. I've worked in MOST media at one point or another. Including Oil, Acrylic, Airbrush, Pencil, Pen and Ink and Sculpture. I was HORRIBLE at watercolor so nothing to show except for ONE piece that I used some of that with (Wolf Warrior / Owl Spirit piece).
I've always been obsessed with Gods and Heroes for the longest time and still am to a certain degree. I even have a portfolio of original comic book heroes I created and pages I drew. My one fear is that if I were to display them someone would rip me off so I don't, they stay in the portfolio! Which is a shame because I have a very good imagination and creating various heroes and villains comes pretty easily to me!
My one and only sculpture I made was of the Greek God, Pan! It shows him looking at what was going to be my second sculpture of Syrinx, the nymph he was chasing but she asked to be hidden so the river nymphs hid her as a bank of reeds. This shows Pan seeing her transform and he then cut her down and made her into the Pan Flute out of revenge. That's why the flute is said to have power! I was so burnt out after Pan I just couldn't continue so put the project away after multiple attempts!
The other works are more bits and pieces from my natural adventures!
I hope you enjoy!
Pan & the Fairy - Pencil and Ink
Egyptian Goddess
Pan & the Fairy - Ink and Color
Take the dragon for a Walk - Ink and Color
Pan - Rough for a painting I never finished
X-Men Phoenix - Ink and Color
Pan Statue - View 01
Pan Statue - View 02
Displayed in my Bedroom!
Pan Statue - View 03
Pan Statue - Profile Close-up
Pentacle - Gift for Laurel - Lost in house fire
Green Man statue I painted - Gift for Laurel - Lost in house fire
Archetype - Strength and Beauty
Archetype - Mind and Spirit
Archetype - Master & Slave
Archetype - Artistic Creativity
Pan - Another painting, similar to the one above, another unfinished.
Wolf Warrior & Owl Spirit - Hangs in my bedroom - Pencil and Watercolor
A triptych - Hangs in my bedroom - Waring Wizard and Dragon, fighting over land!
My one and only oil painting! Various elements I love. House represents Spirit, Wizard, Caterpillar is my journey into drugs and alcohol and the Planets and Moon is the cold reality that we are Dust In The Wind!