So after my time with natural media mostly came to an end (I still sketch here and there) at one point I had pneumonia and part of my healing process was I wanted to get back into writing but I wanted to use a word processor. At the time I was very close friends with a man named Fred Hoffknecht (who, sadly, passed years ago from Pulmonary Fibrosis), so we went to this computer store called Circuit City and I went right over to the word processors and was mesmerized by all the cool stuff they could do. Fred had wondered off and came back shortly and asked if I would step "this way" and so I did. Low and behold there were computers. At first I was very resistant. He explained to me that that computers could do everything a word processor could do but ALLOT more. So I ended up leaving the store with my first computer (an all-in-one Compaq) with NO CLUE with what to do with it. So in comes my dear friend John and we would stay up nights till 3 AM (with trips to Burger King for food) teaching me the ins and outs of computing. My temper was very short back then and still healing from the pneumonia but eventually he got through to me and the rest is history. I was running Windows 95 in the beginning but shortly after I got my head around that along came Windows 98.....
When on my own I discovered I could do a little art on the computer, now this was the early 90's so not allot out there at the time and MOST high end programs were made for the MAC as Windows was considered too geeky to really qualify to do art on. BULLSHIT 😘 There was this program I came across called LView Pro which is no longer being developed but you can download it and see if you can use it, follow the link above to check it out! I discovered I could paint and draw but of course back in the day there were no "marble mouse" available nor Wacom tablets so it was not all that easy but it really did satisfy my muse a bit. Eventually I came across a pirated version of Photoshop and tried that out. Interestingly with all the hype around it I simply didn't like it and I actually ended up liking Corel's Photopaint which was part of Corel Draw Suite. That particular interface was more intuitive to me at the time. Now I use Photoshop almost daily. So even though I was writing again I was also painting and drawing again without all the side effects. No more mess either, I shut down the computer and no muss - no fuss over dirty brushes and odors. I was finally feeling like I had my art side satisfied.
Years later, after Opus Hair Salon had been open for a while, I got a new client, Mamta, she was working for Adobe. She was very remiss about keeping appointments with me. She was either a complete no-show or she was calling LAST MINUTE to cancel. So I told her if she did that again I was going to let her go. She came into the salon for her next appointment and under her arm was a box. She handed it to me and asked me to please keep her in my clientele. I looked at the box. It was an official copy of Adobe Photoshops CS. I was so happy I almost cried. So there I was with DAZ Studio and now Photoshop and soon ZBrush to create with. I was finally home and making art again. Below are a couple of galleries for you to peruse through. The first is of my earlier works and the second is of more recent stuff. ENJOY!